Friday, October 19, 2007

Got any cheese?

M: Do not repeat anything you will not sign your name to. - Author Unknown

Ah yes, GOSSIP many of us deny ever hearing anything when a "friend" happens to find out something that's of much interest. But, is whatever your friend about to tell you REALLY that important... of course!!. Maybe your friend is gonna say that your car is fire, your moms is in the hospital, your kids are being held ransom, you forgot to log out the computer before lunch, no instead what they tell you is that Sharlene from accounting has FART problems and has told no one about it...........wait hold on that one doesn't count or she might tell you that Sharlene has a criminal record of battery, and Rude conduct or something i don't know. All i know is that whatever your friend told has NOTHING to do with you. Like all people who "DENY" that they NEVER want anything to do with knowing what goes on in other peoples lives they won't see whats going on but they'll have their ears up and awake. In my opinion i can't say i haven't liked hearing what the hell goes on in other peoples lives. the thought of OVER hearing that so and so are going out, that this person does this drug, or that she or he doesn't do whatever like they're supposed to. like the controversial girl of her time the oldest of teddy Roosevelt "If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me." ~Alice Roosevelt all i say if you don't want to hear about it .....leave if you don't want to be apart of it.....leave...... but sooner or later you're gonna be curious just to know what the hell is going on..........CHISMOSO!!!!!!!!

C: I usually try not to concern myself with other peoples lives, I don't like it when people are all up in my business so, henceforth, I try not to pry into other peoples lives as well. That said, there is one thing that upon the slightest whisper turns me into a starving puppy... starving for information that is. I know it is wrong but even someone with whom I share nothing more then a boring white office can have the attention of every cell in my body if they utter those three magical words: " I have gossip". Something about the combination of those three words and the promise of the juicy story that will surely follow makes me more excited then a 7 year old on Christmas morning. It doesn't matter if it is about someone who I don't even know, I will listen intently to the full story and then give my unbiased opinion. Typical for a girl to love gossip? Yes. Predictable of her to drop everything to hear a juicy story? Yes again. But I ask you this: Can you honestly tell me that when you hear the craziest gossip you have heard this year ever; that you don't feel like telling everyone you see?? I think not. Therefore, I think we are all gossip whores to some extent. So, as a tribute to this blog I would like everyone to comment with the craziest gossip they have heard this far. And every time you hear something that surpasses that gossip just add it on.. lets keep this thing going!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Captain Obvious to the Rescue

M: Oh my god frank your shirt has a white stain on it!!!.........hey is that a pimple and you were trying to hide it? oh man it looks horrible.......seem like most people have known what it was to have a person like this around you all the time. why are they people like this?
why is their job to only to bring out the obvious that friends would only whisper to you in
in the back of a club or before going into one. but, of course here comes the one person
that likes to MAKE A SCENE and kinda blurt out things that of course are obvious. for example lets see there's a person with a disability. of course here comes TREVOR
saying something stupid like "HEY DUDE DID YOU KNOW YOU HAVE A BIG ASS MOLE GROWING OUT YOUR FACE!!!".....the hell? Trevor god you're so lame
shut your trap ........

C: There are certain things that I'm sure we all appreciate being pointed out. Like when you have a piece of spinach in your teeth, or when your shirt collar is messed up. Those are the kind of things that are OK to point out, as a matter of fact I encourage my friends to let me know if I have lipstick on my teeth or if my shoe has a weird scuff mark on it. But then there are the other people who just plain irritate me with their observations and their inability to filter out things that only they notice from what everyone else can clearly see. You know the people I'm talking about guys: "You're home?" as you walk into your house after work. (No, I'm a hologram!) "There is a red light ahead" (you're kidding me.. I never noticed those three lights before in all my years of driving). Ugh!!! Honestly, I have to fight back the urge to smack these people in their faces with all the strength in my body, and I am not condoning violence in any way but these people really have it coming. lol I know you guys know someone like this, there is always at least one in every group. So let it out, tell is about it, I'd love to know these mongoloids have done to you guys!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Just Wondering..

How do you guys feel about people who are always late?