The Snitch...
C: I admit that not too long ago I did the unspeakable, I unintentionally snitched on all the girls in my department one day at work. It wasn’t anything major but they got super upset about it anyway. Now that all is forgiven and my reputation has been slightly dented I can openly comment on it without feeling all bad again. Its funny how one tiny comment can send a bunch of girls into a hissy fit. But the whole thing got me thinking about ‘taddle tales’…is it ever okay to rat someone out? After pondering this question for countless minutes I found my answer. Yes. I believe that there are times when putting someone out there is not the most horrible thing in the world. Wait, let me explain before you think I just throw ANYONE under the bus… I think its ok when you are trying to teach someone a lesson. Sometimes people take advantage of the fact that you are “cool” with them and expect you to cover their ass on a regular basis. I think this is wrong because it becomes a habit. Covering up for a friend who messes up every now and then is fine, but having to do it all the time because they can’t or don’t want to get their act together is something entirely different. Get what I mean? Also I feel like its ok to tell on someone if what they are doing is hurting someone... like if you find out your friend is a serial killer or a child rapist or something crazy like that. Obviously those extreme circumstances are VERY rare (hopefully) so I doubt any of us will find ourselves in that situation. But yes, I think its ok to fuck someone over if what they are doing is hurting others, thats not right no matter who you are. In all other circumstances though, I feel that people wouldnt be afraid of being "told on" if they weren't doing something wrong to begin with. Maybe they shouldnt be hiding and doing things they shouldnt be.... then they wouldnt have anything to worry about. Anyway, thats how I feel about it. Peace out.
M: Well in my opinion keepin it on the Down low is a trustworthy phrase to hold up to in anywhere one might be. however NOT keeping to your word could cost you. also in most cases it could cost you your life. NOT keepin it on the DL could: get you a beat down, make everyone hate you, make the person that told you anything hate you, become the punchline to any joke made in an office, retail store, wearhouse, and so on. but i believe theres a time where theres no choice but to point out the right thing to say. a snitch is sometimes a good thing and many other times a bad thing all in all anywhere, anyplace anytime, the snitch is there and it's watching i say "it's" cause " it " can be whoever it might be just keep ya eye mo' fo's ........................................blah marklar........
M: Well in my opinion keepin it on the Down low is a trustworthy phrase to hold up to in anywhere one might be. however NOT keeping to your word could cost you. also in most cases it could cost you your life. NOT keepin it on the DL could: get you a beat down, make everyone hate you, make the person that told you anything hate you, become the punchline to any joke made in an office, retail store, wearhouse, and so on. but i believe theres a time where theres no choice but to point out the right thing to say. a snitch is sometimes a good thing and many other times a bad thing all in all anywhere, anyplace anytime, the snitch is there and it's watching i say "it's" cause " it " can be whoever it might be just keep ya eye mo' fo's ........................................blah marklar........
Snitching! Nothing good can come from that ever. No perhaps not ever, I guess there are circumstances where snitching is required. If someone is being hurt unnecessarily, either physically or emotionally, then yes snitch--- snitch all you want if it will alleviate the situation. But otherwise no, I do not feel that snitching or tattletale is permissible in any society known to man.
Harsh comments Janel! But how would you like it if someone snitched on you, for no good reason.
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