Revenge...Is it worth it?

M: May i start by saying "fuck yes" do that shit i dont care who. revengeis a dish best served coldwhat.....karma is bitch and when shes takin to long to make a move for youthats when you have to take charge....word!!!!. Now i understand there arecertain points to take on wether or not the revenge is worth to takedepending on the situation. its not like youre gonna slice someone's headoff just cause they cut you off in line (but if they ever do that *shakingfists*).but yeah do it i sayand those who let these type of things just that then you might aswell let them step all over you......MARKLAR!!!!
C: In the research that I have done over the past day on this subject (no, I dont like to talk about things I know absolutely nothing about) I can say that I have many opinions on revenge. On one hand, two wrongs don't make a right. However it's not about just hurting some random person for no reason... its about getting even with someone who has wronged you. So I can't really be completely aganst that notion. I mean, even though 'the best revenge is living well' and I do believe that life takes care of dirtbags WAY better then you ever can, sometimes life takes too long. Sometimes the pain that someone has caused you is so deep and so sudden that you feel an intense urge to make them feel the exact same way, even if its by other means. I mean, we all can't wait around for months or even YEARS before some unfortunate series of events just happens to fall into their lives. We need instant gratification, we need our pride back, we need sweet revenge! I myself, have been completely obliterated a few times, so I know those evil plots all too well. They start off ever so trivial, but before you know it you're in the throws of an all out demonic plan to destroy them. I can't say that I've ever acted on it though, not in any major way, I guess I'm not the revenge type. But far be it for me to tell someone else they shouldnt fulfill their vengefull fantacies. I know I still get a chuckle when I hear about something unfortunate happening to one of the jerk-offs who screwed me over in the past, I'm sure we all do. Life does have its ways I think, of slowly and painfully killing off people who have bad hearts. That said, I think that if it makes you feel less pain, then yes, revenge is worth it.
i think you shouldnt do that revenge might as well live it off right, and do things the right way you guys have the wrong ideas in mind.I think that we all should just forgive that person and then forgive ourselves for thinking such negative thoughts.
peace be with you
Funny how someone named "yulick" is spouting off about morality. heh..
And also with you.
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