Happy Anniversary!

M: WOW!!!! ONE whole year. how fast time flies. the good times and the bad. the funny and sad.the happy and the mad. the buffet where to eat beside the fruit sa-lad. This blog has changed me in a way. I know that i have grown a little throughout the year. Sometimes my procrastination keeps me from finishing some of my work But, thanks to a certain person i always make it. I hope that those who have read this blog have enjoyed the topics we blogged about. Every blog i try to improve myself and have an open mind to allot of things.Thanks to C i can say its been cool writing my opinions whether funny or not. Let this day be the beginning of more blogs to come.On my behalf i would like to thank those who have read the blog since the beginning. Those who have written their thoughts i also would like to thank. I know its not the biggest Blog in the world but, it is the little space in the world wide web we can post what we think.cheers to the marklarroom
C: Well we sure have covered allot of ground in this past year. Some topics were barely read while others hit hot spots in the comments, it has sure been interesting writing our thoughts to see what you guys can contribute. M and I tried our best to keep the topics new and respond to your comments as we saw fit. Thank You, by the way, to those who put their two cents in here.. I really appreciate it. I would also like to thank my co-blogger M, without his perspective ( no matter how outrageous it is) this blog would have been incomplete. See its the combination of views that makes this blog unique and without M every opinion would have been one-sided. Granted, we did agree on a few things but even when we agreed on the location our travel methods were way different from one another.. and that opened my eyes as well. So thanks M.. your thoughts were enlightening. And a big hug to everyone who has maintained a steady or even a not so steady eye on our quaint blog. In this next year we will try our best to challenge you readers with questions and topics that really make you sit for a while and scratch your heads as you try to decide who you agree with more. Lots of love to you guys!!