Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dame mas gasolina

M - ahh....."what a great day the sun is shining, weather is clear, it's all great and dandy but, wait my gas is about to run out DAMMMMMITT............( as i turn the corner).......AWE MAN!! C'MON!!! it was 4 something yesterday!!!!. ugh!".The utter lameness that is getting gas is the thing to experience nowadays. Long ago around the 1940's gas was about 18 cents per gallon Do you know where i could go with 18 cents per gallon? i would go EVERYWHERE!!!!.Since the human race is nothing but the ever growing infection on mother natures wound it has to find ways to find the necessary scarce resources.Automakers and other companies for years have been developing ways to consume less petroleum and gain more octane for your buck.Personally i think we should start riding like the Flintstones did back in the days.If not we can ride bike to our jobs or take the bus.Ask the council of your county to create more stops for the bus with a little effort and dedication we can improve our gas consumption. Also find if some of your co-workers live near you and start a carpool. Some people still prefer the company of themselves so i would recommend to do some research as to how to improve your gas mileage. there's many theories and methods people would say and the so-called professionals could tell you but, like i said not buy chemicals that "clean the inside of your car". it only makes it worse and the engine works harder. the harder the engine works the more octane it needs to work. So far what i have done is gather enough information on doing some modifications to the fuel system and other parts of my vehicle in order to get as much mpg as i can. Everyone should do their part in trying to make the best out of these gas guzzing times. If you are not interested in doing the whole car modding it yourself find out who can. Its not saving the world but its a couple of more bucks in your pocket.

C: It's a sad sad day when I look at the price for regular gas and it's spiked up to $4.37. I remember when I owned my previous car and it only took eleven dollars to fill up the whole tank.. now its more then thirty. I cant even imagine people who drive those huge trucks around.. what is it like $90 to fill it up?.. to hell with that. And I hear that we're not done yet.. rumors of it hitting five dollars are not even making people flinch. Anyway, I could dwell on the problem but instead I would rather strategize for when the gas gets so expensive that its cheaper to go get a wisdom tooth extracted (without insurance) then it is to fill up your gas tank. So here are my ideas for saving gas: 1. Bring out that bike that's been collecting dust in the back of the garage and put it to good use. Not only would you save money but you'd be getting your cardio for the day as well. 2. Carpool. 3. Run errands while you're on the way somewhere else. Like.. instead of leaving it for another day, pop in and pick up your dry cleaning if its right around the corner from where you're meeting your friend for lunch. That way you wont have to make two trips to the same place. OK, that's all I could think of at the moment but if I can come up with any more I'll be sure to add them. BTW.. if any of you guys have any ideas that M and I have not mentioned already feel free to put them in the comments, we'd love to hear them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the beginning of the end of America's period as the world's only Super Power. America's spending on oil is the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the planet. We need to work on investing the money we are currently spending on foreign energy in domestic endeavors that will solve this inevitable crisis.

July 9, 2008 at 9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ride Horses!


July 9, 2008 at 6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cant complain too much.. my car is only about $25 to fill up.. FROM EMPTY! but i drive a little further than the average bear :ox so i fill up about 1.5 times a week.. i don't have the option to carpool.. nobody i work with lives near me, i am all for getting a horse :o)


July 28, 2008 at 7:20 AM  

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