Tuesday, March 18, 2008

S.O.S. Please someone help me!

M: To what extent in lending a hand, helping out, going out of your way....... can anyone go for another. It feels good to help someone out. In my experiences its been pretty rewarding. Ive met new friends, made a cool contacts towards something i was looking for or been given with some money or got like discounts on car parts, cell phones,guitars etc. Helping out someone doesn't necessarily mean you should always be compensated for your voluntary works. even though now you might be thinking that "isn't that the same thing as my job M?". well Bolsa de douche technically yes....but, were talking about the random person that's stuck on the road while you rubberneck pass their way thinking "oh........well, that's a shame" conversation. One feels better knowing that they have made a difference in that persons life be it big or small. We're not all saints or superheroes that i understand. Our routine "ant" working lives consist of coffee breaks, spreadsheets, boxes, meetings,paper cuts, electronic software & hardware malfunctions with manual brain wrecking troubleshooting and slow moving time. which still troubles me a little......like when you look at those big analog clocks and you see that the little hand is moving backwards twice and one time forward. or when you feel you've been there FOREVER but, when you check the time on your PC or whatever its only been 2 minutes since you started working....................DAMMMIT!!!! PORQUE DIOS!!!. To be honest fellow reader....i kinda went off track a little ............so um?.............wait for it.................pause..............ahem......Putting all the good Samaritan stuff aside HOW FAR CAN ONE GO? DAMN.... M IS THERE A LIMIT? not for random people but for our friends.there has been best friends that i have helped out in many ways. for example you need to pick up something from B.F.E. somewhere cause its crucial,or you need some money now cause you forgot your wallet, or the ever classic last minute favor (that you know they had ALL THE E'FIN time to tell you but, to be a hueco de ass... asked you when you're right by exit of the room,building,apt., whatever) .theres no limit towards how much you can help a friend if your that tizzzight. also some circumstances can occur that you can't help out when a friend is in need.........but sometimes repetitious ANNOYING actions cause a tall drink of anger with a cinch of boredom mixed with WTF? juice can be
ingested.So, Maybe there's a certain distance one can go for a friend. and in my opinion yes there is a limit towards how much help you can help a friend if that friend can take care of himself or herself......that's when i get angry and say........GROW UP.....some things we sometimes need help doing...others is just a baby asking to be carried .....

C: Is there a limit to how much you'll do to help out a friend or relative? I have been on both sides of this situation.. At the moment I'm the one who needs help, when before I was the one able to offer it more abundantly. I'm speaking specifically about financial help now, which seems like the kind of help with the most constraints attached to it. People are funny about money, they'll drive you to the ends of the world, they'll stay up all night with you to help you finish some project for school, they'll wait in line for hours with you for some game you really want, they will watch movies they hate a second time for you... but the moment money gets into the mix people seem less likely to put their hands out to boost you up. I get it, people have bills, obligations, lives to maintain. Money makes all these things possible so its only human nature to be so guarded about it. When I had more money to play with I can't say that I was ever the stingy type.. I would buy rounds for my friends, treat them to lunch, I always chipped in for bottles or food or whatever when there was a getty or a party happening. I guess I never really placed too much value on the green rectangular pieces of paper that keep our lives flowing. I would go out of my way for my friends if they need my help. There are two reasons, however, that I would choose to withhold my help to people... 1. They're not trying to help themselves. It's one thing to help your friend out cause they messed up and they are in over their head. But its quite another to maintain a bad habit of theirs, not cool. And 2. They have put themselves in a situation that they knew was bad going in and they need to learn their lesson. You can't expect your friends to take the place of common sense, yes they have your back but that doesn't mean that you can make wreckless decisions and expect them to bail you out every time you have a whim of stupidity. I realize that putting a limit on 'help' seems odd.. but I wouldn't want to take my friends for granted and make them feel like they're only there to clean up my messes. There is, after all, a VERY fine line between asking for help and taking advantage of people. My friends know that they can come to me whenever and I'm always here to listen, and help out if it is in my capacity to do so. But in my opinion, yes, there are limits.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm about to BREAK!

C- I wouldn't say that I have a problem with anger. Most of my close friends and family would use words like: Snappy, Smart Ass, Testy, Impatient, Easily Irritated, and maybe even Dramatic to describe how I get when things don't exactly go as planned. I admit, I can be demanding at times and I have been known to roll my eyes, bite my bottom lip, and give smart remarks quite fluently and in rapid succession but I'd hardly constitute that as a 'problem'. The thing is that this unflattering version of myself emerges only in times of great need; Sometimes you need to have that person who will selflessly become that annoying, nagging, increasingly loud and high-pitched voice that gets the heard moving. I don't know what it is but there is certainly something about that person that gets people up and at it... although I have to admit that I don't mind being that person at all. :) OK, enough about that.. as far as real anger is concerned I can say that while it takes next to nothing to get me mildly and even not so mildly irritated, bothered, annoyed, over it.. it takes worlds of things before I am genuinely angry. And when that rare occasion surfaces I have a choice: I can either explode and say everything that is going on inside my head with no regard for anything or anyone else, or I can walk away, cool down, and come back into the conversation/situation with other P.O.V.'s in my head as well as my own. I choose number two.. I learned at a very early age that words, even said from the closest of people, can hurt and I never wanted to be the one to send a word dagger into the heart of anyone I cared about. So when I am angry I walk away, breathe and go for a drive, calm down and think about what just happened, try and come up with solutions. Then I get back in the hot seat with a new level of understanding and am not just there to but heads. That said, there are certain things I refuse to tolerate from anyone (strangers or friends) like: Tantrums, hurtful words, violence, and juvenile vengeful acts. I may let it slide once and maybe twice but if I (who is probably the most stubborn person in the world) can control myself in times when I am so mad I can barely speak then everyone else should be able to do it as well. No excuses. That goes for elders as well.. I personally don't believe that because someone is older that it gives them the right to behave as a neanderthal at their convenience. If you're older then 5 then you need to behave like you're older then 5. Sorry Grandma!!! Pero ya, deja el escandalo!!! LMAO..

M- i don't consider myself an angry person. Like most people there are things that make us angry and we cannot control ourselves when we do become angry.Saint basil of Caesarea, a 4th century Christian theologian, viewed anger as a "reprehensible temporary madness".Like when I'm playing a video game and there is a boss i can't beat or a level with some IMPOSSIBLE feat i cannot complete that gets me pissed cause i don't want to use a cheat to beat that game. Some people say they cannot control whatever makes them angry. therefore we must practice patience and learn to control anger. I myself have developed a tolerance for my anger. simple actions such as breathing exercises, start to think of anything else in a calm train of thought.and stop myself from saying anything out of line.a DRUNK friend once recommended to just force fart your anger i was like what?....when i SMELT the liquor fumes from his fat face i knew such advice was not useful. Many places that exist are created to help you control your anger issues. holding in your anger also doesn't help at all it could then transcend and look for an outlet where you don't want emotion to show more. There's only so much you can handle from something or someone who makes you angry. For example i get threats,hurtfulness always from a five foot, long dark chip haired individual all the time. but, i have learned that que ella nesecita la escuela. so, then i feel sorry than angry..........lol.......grrrrrrr.....f**KING RAGE!!!!