Alter Ego Anyone?

M: Bro!!!......All of us have them don't be denying it you know it. You dont know what I'm talking' about? your alter -ego GUY!!!!! we all have them. In certain situations we leave our "normal-selves" and become this totally different being. One good example of that is watching Me, Myself, and Irene.But how many alter-egos do we have. In my own array of personalities theres many and if i could have a moment of your time that would be just peachy!!........i have my cool-self quiet collective..serious type which usually comes out when something is Boring as hell, or when I'm on a date with a special lady. Then theres the Crazy out of control character i can REALLY get out of hand at least Ive been told before this one i need to kinda calm down a little sometimes. these two i go in and out of and you just cant tell when I'm in it.... theres other egos Ive made up but this just becomes a long list of great comedic material ahem.............1. Richard Slanks- Video Game Master 40. n still lives with his to be the first to beat mario in 4 mins. also has a video game class at a local community center2.Charlie Chocolate- a large super sexual chocolate character. looking for love where ever it may rome. spends his time making up different ways to create sexy chocolate.3. Harry M. Slippy - the gay mechanic. can give you a make over and firepalce your alternatorall the same time. owns a pink honda s2000 with I'm a barbie girl blastng thru the speakers4. Craz Azz- gentelman Mcee raps bout what he seee's in the hard life lol!!.opens doors for chicks makes them hatas sick. keeps it real loves the ladies thick. doesn't fake no one unless hes doing magic tricks.i have more but the list has to stop here......sorry cool cats just leave itfor another day yo....aight makes for a good script for a movie no?...yeah I'm in the process....this movie is gonna rock!! heh heh wutever I'm sure everyone has at least ONE alter ego tell us about it ................
C: I love this! I know I always have some long ass introduction to whatever the topic at hand is so this time I'm just gonna cut to the chase and dive right in. Enjoy my many alter egos:
If its party time...
- Fire - This is when some dude has pissed me off and now I'm mad at all men. It's best to stay out of my path if you're a dude and in my vicinity.
- Amnesia - This is when I had such a bad week/day that all I want to do is drink myself into oblivion.
- Stunna - For some reason I am extra confident tonight, I treat every sidewalk like a runway.
- Miss You - I miss my friends so I demand that they all show up so I can be surrounded by them all night, I ignore pretty much anyone else.
- Hunter - I'm feeling good, and on the prowl. Count yourself lucky if you're the object of my obsession.
In everyday life...
- Curious Cat - I'm determined to learn everything about a particular subject. It has peaked my interest so now I have to know everything about it.
- Play with me - I am bored and on the hunt for someone to bother, don't try and escape, do not scream for help, just let it happen. This syndrome is always accompanied
- Clean Freak - Get out of my way unless you're gonna help me tidy up!
- Scribbles - I get inspired and have to write it down anywhere: napkins, paper cups, wrappers, my palms, etc.
- Molongina - When I do/say something stupid.
- ADD Girl - Sometimes I lose my train of...
Ok, that's all I want to share for now. Hope you enjoyed them and hopefully we will see some of your alter egos in the comments. Peace.
Bro thats Right!! Molongoits also known as a brain crash.....
NOW NOT MANY PEOPLE HAVE this except me and another short girl but be warned when something stupid is about to hit the fan....
Luv Ya C!!
- The M word
MOLONGA!!! lmao totally, thats C!
speaking of C.. man i can't stand when she gets the "play with me" ego.. cause she doesn't want to play with anyone.. she wants to bother somebody and piss them off.. and i find that i'm the one, pretty often.. too often.. i hate her! lmao j/k, i wuv you! :o)
and M.. sometimes you do get a little out of control, and i want to punch you in the face.. but instead.. i just have a drink :o)
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