This is Major
M: In life we try to impress people (at least those who you think need that impression)... by doing things that exceed that of the normal person.For example. in a meeting instead of taking your clients to a very prestigious restaurant you take'em to a mom n pops diner. even though that depends on the client (unless they're total snobs) they'll appreciate the humbleness of the atmosphere and feel more comfortable. or a better example when taking out a very good looking girl. Instead of using your man power to show how many people you can lift at the same time on your shoulder or show her that your car has exaggerated sized wheels that cost more than the down payment on your home, and a sound system that only belongs in movie theaters and homes. She would rather enjoy the little things you do for her: pull out a chair for her before you sit down, let her order before you do, open doors for the lady, with that also open your door then kinda sprint to the other side of the car before she opens hers (you'll be tired as hell as i would be but, it wins brownie points) or when shes at work and you bring some of her favorite drink without you tellin' her a fruit drink per say. its those little extra steps that make whatever your doing a little bit better for that person. Some don't see it at first but when they do its a GREAT amount of cool points with that parent, girlfriend, boyfriend,"life partner",boss, and best friend. between dudes its the gayest thing ever. girls would say differently. guys would just charlie horse ya and tell you to snap out of it.C: Little things, little things... its funny how sometimes the smallest, teeniest little thing can mean the whole world sometimes. Like when someone waves you in front of them in traffic or if you drop something on the floor and some random stranger picks it up for you. It's always these iddy bitty tokens that can just as easily warm your heart as send you into a rabid frenzy. I dare one person who reads this to tell me that it doesn't just plain piss you off when you are driving behind someone who is talking to the person in the car next to them and they are both driving 20 miles per hour. Or how about when you are in the movies and the person behind you insists on commenting on everything that happens in the movie, like you need the entire film narrated to you or something. And what about when you wake up in the morning and stumble into the bathroom half asleep only to discover that your lovely family has used all the toothpaste, you still squeeze the living hell out of that tube though don't you? I have even gone so far as to cut that tube open and scrape the toothpaste out with my brush. Good Morning Sunshine. How about when you're walking into a store from your car and you step in gum or when you're having dinner at a restaurant and you spill food all over yourself? That sucks but there is always the flip side, the good stuff. How much do you love it when you are able to ride on that last quarter tank till Friday or when you find an amazing pair of shoes on a crazy sale in only your size, as if the shoe gods put them in front of your face so that only you could see them. Or what about when that guy at Starbucks slides you a muffin on the d/l or when you manage to find your friend or family member the perfect gift for their birthday. When you are so sure you ate the last chip in the bag but you reach in anyway and there is one more!! That one is always the best chip in the bag isn't it? You know it is guy!
Ashes to Ashes.
M: hmmmm.......death penalty, capital punishment?through recent times..and in many parts of the worldthe death penalty has been abolished...but, theres' still some countries thats till believe in this type of criminal justice such as united states,northern parts of Africa, the middle east, and Asia.....pretty extreme put all religious crap aside and in no mean to offend. but I think that the death penalty is half and half in my book....for example..I believe in second chances.a second life...but, there has to be a limit towards what can be forgivien and what can't. either way I'm not the judge .....i stay as the pimp mackdaddy suga love that i am......but if i were the judge and had the power to choose the punishment there would be a couple first...........(I'm not gonna say "for what they did... they should get" this i can only say what punishments are customized and should be made real) first one is DEATH by COCK ......... they put you in a room with everyone watching.......they sit you down on a small chair.......they open your mouth and then a random cock just comes and chokes you till you die.....therefore death by cock (all the ladies in jail its to DIE for). Secondly is the "gas chamber" now I know this one has been done but, instead of using random chemicals. we"natural" born substances.first we feed a bunch of fat guys beans, milk, cheese, and anything else that produces farts oops i mean "natural" substances....then they put their asses in these holes.....which filters thru in a chamber...where the subject will be inhaling these god forsaken farts i mean natural substances. and be tied up while he chokes on farts....boom the "ASS chamber"...i mean GAS chamber.third would be like a American gladiator type death penalty that if he or she survives they still get shot.....but, at least they tried...............C: Let me just put it this way, if I were a judge they would call me 'Judge Dread'. I wouldn't be nearly as lenient to murderers and rapists as the justice system is now. I get so mad when I think of all the murderers and child rapists that are sitting in jail instead of being truly punished for their crimes. In my court there would be no appeals and all decisions would be final. If you are found guilty, or you plead guilty to raping anyone, or killing many people (cause just one murder doesn't warrant the death penalty in my opinion) then you're dieing, creatively and quickly. I seriously would not give them any more opportunities to hurt anyone else. I would most definitely bring back the old school methods of killing people like, hanging them, guiatine, and gunshot to the head. But I would probably use my favorite form of punishment the most: Letting the community at them. Just having them put outside of the court house tied to the building by one of their ankles and let the community punish the criminal as they see fit. No limits to what they can say or do, just whatever they feel is just. I think the reason that people aren't necessarily afraid to commit crimes in this country is because there are so many ways to get off easy, harsher punishments would be the best way to set an example that it's not ok to hurt people and I wouldn't mind at all being the person to discipline them. Someone has to. Anyway, Capitol Punishment? I'm all for it.. I just wish they would get a little creative with it.
.......uh, fuck.
M: "What!! No way Where am i?....are my pants on? oh a girl next to me.....nice....oh man i hope i didn't do anything STUPID last night".....these are the questions i asked myself when i would wake up from a long night of non-stop punch drunk fun. The only thing that sucks ass is the total hangover.well, when waking up from a long night of drinking the feeling is like waking up from a remember things but the only thing you don't remember is what happened between happy hour and now on a bed .....naked.... under blue bedsheets..... next to a kinda o-k Co-ed(apparently drunk doesn't make you wiser at choosing your one night stands)it feels like you were drinking shoes all night. The taste in your mouth of all the vomit..which tasting is horrible by the way.. ..kinda like an ASS BREATH if you will.After waking up and realizing you're still alive Isuggest to wash your mouth. Not even that!!!! try walking mo fo'... ha ha hits fun!!....everything the rest of the day will the most blandest of alldays...(.i choose" bland" cause it kinda feels like that so.....)Damn it!! if it wasn't for that hang over part i would drink till pigs fly...which would be so after couple of drinks.whoever hasn't had that experience of waking up after a long night of drinking i recommend to DO IT!!.HA HA HA HA . but, since we as HUMANS cannot comprehend. Thru trial and error we can only learn.yup!! just like dogs if they try something and don't like it they'll never do it again.C: Mascara and Eye Liner encrusted in your eyes, vomit in your hair, the inability to remember anything from the night before. Some of us have been here more then others but I'm sure we can all relate to the dreaded morning after. When the mere act of opening your eyes and sitting up in your bed takes all the energy you can muster. Then there are the immediate questions to yourself: Where is my license and credit card? How did I get home? Why am I asleep with my clothes on? and most importantly... What happened last night? Though you may never know the true answer to that question you call your friends and ask them anyway. I don't know about other people but I save those interrogation phone calls for later that day when I'm feeling better. I try and CSI my night together by looking at myself and my current state to piece together the night, of I have chipped nails or bruises or my feet are sore then I'm sure I was doing something physical like dancing, running, jumping, lord knows. My favorite is when you find an object on your person that doesn't belong to you, or you don't remember putting it there. Like, you wake up wearing someones jacket, or you find a phone number written on a napkin in your pocket but you don't remember who it belongs to. You wake up with all of your friends credit cards in your pockets, or find their car outside your house in the morning, but they are gone. That's just funny to me. But the worst thing ever is trying to fall asleep when you're hammered, every time you close your eyes the whole room spins.. its IMPOSSIBLE! But whatever, we all go there every now and then, and though we swear we will never do it again we somehow manage to revisit. To hell with it, you never know when you're last party will be so treat them all like they are your last!!
A present from the past?
C: We all have things from our past that we don't necessarily want to be reminded of; Ghosts that exist only in our memories and who we make vanish whenever they pop up in our minds. Maybe its a painful break-up, or a choice you made that you regret, maybe it's not doing anything at all when you should have. Either way its some part of our lives that we wish never happened. But what are you supposed to do when something tangible from your past intrudes on your present, forcing you to relive what happened. What do you do when the past presents itself? I was in a similar situation not so long ago and it's not an easy one to gracefully float through. The entire incident commands you to fight all kinds of emotional demons. From finally facing what happened, to deciding how relevant the issue really is to your new life. In my opinion facing the whole thing head-on is your best bet, no hiding anymore because it still hurts. Just say what you have to say and ride. I know its easy to stay stuck in a memory, but your loyalty won't do anything but hold you back from other things and in the end, hurt you. Granted, people don't move on because they want to, they do it cause they have to. But staying stagnant isn't going to do anything at all. So I guess my advice is: Should the past present itself to you... tell it to get on its knees and BLOW!M: Drama is everywhere GUY!!!!! you try hard as hell to avoid it.. DAMMIT its there.especially when drama from the past just seems to WALTZ its way back towards you.but what to do when the past cant not just stay the past?. when whatever happend just seems to STAY stuck in your brain........ theres many ways or gettin over it .. therapy, meditation, etc...but i cant be the one to say what to say and or do. right now I'm going' through somthing like that and i have to find a way to deal with it and diminish it's wrong doings.So in turn it would not affect my daily routine and positive outcomes i look for everyday. Either way nobody likes a downer, a person living in drama LAME ef that. In the end we ourselves know the answer in dealing with past memories either forget them or suppress them choose.....