Ashes to Ashes.
M: hmmmm.......death penalty, capital punishment?through recent times..and in many parts of the worldthe death penalty has been abolished...but, theres' still some countries thats till believe in this type of criminal justice such as united states,northern parts of Africa, the middle east, and Asia.....pretty extreme put all religious crap aside and in no mean to offend. but I think that the death penalty is half and half in my book....for example..I believe in second chances.a second life...but, there has to be a limit towards what can be forgivien and what can't. either way I'm not the judge .....i stay as the pimp mackdaddy suga love that i am......but if i were the judge and had the power to choose the punishment there would be a couple first...........(I'm not gonna say "for what they did... they should get" this i can only say what punishments are customized and should be made real) first one is DEATH by COCK ......... they put you in a room with everyone watching.......they sit you down on a small chair.......they open your mouth and then a random cock just comes and chokes you till you die.....therefore death by cock (all the ladies in jail its to DIE for). Secondly is the "gas chamber" now I know this one has been done but, instead of using random chemicals. we"natural" born substances.first we feed a bunch of fat guys beans, milk, cheese, and anything else that produces farts oops i mean "natural" substances....then they put their asses in these holes.....which filters thru in a chamber...where the subject will be inhaling these god forsaken farts i mean natural substances. and be tied up while he chokes on farts....boom the "ASS chamber"...i mean GAS chamber.third would be like a American gladiator type death penalty that if he or she survives they still get shot.....but, at least they tried...............
C: Let me just put it this way, if I were a judge they would call me 'Judge Dread'. I wouldn't be nearly as lenient to murderers and rapists as the justice system is now. I get so mad when I think of all the murderers and child rapists that are sitting in jail instead of being truly punished for their crimes. In my court there would be no appeals and all decisions would be final. If you are found guilty, or you plead guilty to raping anyone, or killing many people (cause just one murder doesn't warrant the death penalty in my opinion) then you're dieing, creatively and quickly. I seriously would not give them any more opportunities to hurt anyone else. I would most definitely bring back the old school methods of killing people like, hanging them, guiatine, and gunshot to the head. But I would probably use my favorite form of punishment the most: Letting the community at them. Just having them put outside of the court house tied to the building by one of their ankles and let the community punish the criminal as they see fit. No limits to what they can say or do, just whatever they feel is just. I think the reason that people aren't necessarily afraid to commit crimes in this country is because there are so many ways to get off easy, harsher punishments would be the best way to set an example that it's not ok to hurt people and I wouldn't mind at all being the person to discipline them. Someone has to. Anyway, Capitol Punishment? I'm all for it.. I just wish they would get a little creative with it.
C: Let me just put it this way, if I were a judge they would call me 'Judge Dread'. I wouldn't be nearly as lenient to murderers and rapists as the justice system is now. I get so mad when I think of all the murderers and child rapists that are sitting in jail instead of being truly punished for their crimes. In my court there would be no appeals and all decisions would be final. If you are found guilty, or you plead guilty to raping anyone, or killing many people (cause just one murder doesn't warrant the death penalty in my opinion) then you're dieing, creatively and quickly. I seriously would not give them any more opportunities to hurt anyone else. I would most definitely bring back the old school methods of killing people like, hanging them, guiatine, and gunshot to the head. But I would probably use my favorite form of punishment the most: Letting the community at them. Just having them put outside of the court house tied to the building by one of their ankles and let the community punish the criminal as they see fit. No limits to what they can say or do, just whatever they feel is just. I think the reason that people aren't necessarily afraid to commit crimes in this country is because there are so many ways to get off easy, harsher punishments would be the best way to set an example that it's not ok to hurt people and I wouldn't mind at all being the person to discipline them. Someone has to. Anyway, Capitol Punishment? I'm all for it.. I just wish they would get a little creative with it.
i agree with C, let the people of the town/city do whatever they want with them.. BUT i think the punishment shouldn't be quick.. for example.. if some fucking perv rapes a little girl/boy.. the punishment should be the most painful torture ever. maybe put him in a small room and every now and then set him on fire and then put him out. i don't want him to die.. not yet.. i want him to suffer. or maybe i'll have him in his cell and have someone come in every day and stab them in the crotch.. as for the murderers.. i think they should also be tortured but not as long.. maybe drown them.. or throw them to the gallows!!! i mostly think that these fuck-wads need to be tortured for their crimes, put them through some pain because of the pain they caused to their victims and the families of the victis.
C: You know 'M' that 'Death by cock' thing may backfire on you. Some people are capable and stimuleted by large cylindrical things going down their throats.. I'm just saying.
hmmmm......interesting thought.....maybe an occasional WHORE might enjoy thier death by cock rather than suffer by it.....
good pointing that out..
When did God give you the right to kill someone? Has it ever occurred to you that sometimes people just loose it? What about if: You come home and find someone you love dead and the killer is still there, you loose it and kill them, are you to be tried the same way as the killer should have been. I don’t think so!
However, in the case of child molesters and rapists I say castrate them and cut off there genitals and have them raped repeatedly by a large man.
C: I suppose on that same token, 'CI', I could ask you who gave you the right to rape someone and cut off their genitals?
Besides, why is it not ok to take someones life if they have taken the lives of numerous people?
Because you are not GOD, YOU are only a silly little girl!
And so is Jiggidy, Janel, C and M. You are all silly little people trying to impress others with your superior wisdon from such a long life you have led. Please give us something real will you!
Please break this into paragraphs.
Futher more, when is one life more important than many. Why if the Pope, President or our good Queen was to be murdered who is to say that thier lives are worth more then the multitude that died in your tragic 911? One life should be the same as many. Nobody has the right to take anyones live.
And what about unborn children, are the mother who have had several abortions be put to death? While the girl who had just one is allowed to live. No you have it all wrong!
C: Lets leave the abortion discussion for another post cause that one will just open up a whole different can of worms.
In reference to your comments though, I agree with the fact that everyones life is abstractly equal, but I cannot say that one life is equal to many lives.. that theory cannot even be supported by basic mathematics. At this point, I guess I will demonstrate the maturity which you clearly don't possess and agree to disagree. not the wisest person..or havent gotten there yet..thats a great goal i have set for myself. 'MI' not many people have this set but, i do ...therefore
i know im not GOD nor am i a person of great knowleage <--- (look i cant even spell it)
the blogs we put are just opinions or just that....ONIONS!! IT STINKS IT MAKES YOU CRY....but its good for you all in good fun. im here in search of new friends & colleages..(did i spell that right?)
we are just people writing various BLOGS and bringing up new topics to discuss and ponder upon.
so miss 'MI' at least in my view its just what we think....fuck tryin to impress (thats somthing BUTTpirates n people with low self esteem do, nerds with an opportunity to become popular in a high school movie do. chicks who see a hot guy and change clothes and flutter n flirt around do n visa-versa...... i do think about all the other different situations that have to do with judgements on who should die and who should suffer.....aside from that there's WAY MORE problems in the world..and we can't write ALL of them to fill up the whole SERVER on Blogspot.... I have a little space....we are not GOD to judge on anything i know that BUT, WE ARE NOT GODS to change the just "a little person" as you say a " a little spec fliping everyone off in space" thru your satellite in a PC...with a medium of Blognessess... to write what the hell is going on in my brain.....
(yea you guessed right it did hit a nerve)
till then much luv n peace n chicken grease.....
listen, MI..
these are (i can't stress this enough) OPINIONS, we aren't writing laws or anything. these are just our thoughts and beliefs. who are you to say that they are wrong? to hell with you for thinking that yours are better than ours and that we are just "silly little people" Ms.UK..
are you trying to say that if some guy killed your queen, you feel that he should walk away without punishment because nobody has the right to decide what happens to him? that's what it sounds like. i say fuck that!
i don't know how things are run over there.. but here, you fuck with people and you pay for it.
if you (MI) are just going to start arguments every time you comment, i suggest you not comment anymore. we don't need/want this blog drama that erupts every time there is a comment from MI.
"And so is Jiggidy, Janel, C and M. You are all silly little people trying to impress others with your superior wisdon from such a long life you have led. Please give us something real will you!"
we don't need to impress anybody.. we are just saying what we think, if that happens to impress people, fine.
if you don't like this blog, then don't read it. simple.
C: I suddenly got a hankerin for some Onion Rings.
oh my lord you know im not finished with you miss 'C'....
but in the end no offense miss 'MI' i really do appreciate you taking the time to read and say your thoughts on this blog. like that to all those do so.
As a southern gentleman...thank ya kindly miss'....
Silly little people is the ones who make comments like yours "MI"... The ones who think they are so high and mighty that others opinions are just silly comments.. it's like your the 9yr old smart ass tossing the apple pie across the school cafeteria to start a food fight... Come to your senses and realize these are the only places people get to freely speak there mind and get off there chest what they feel deep inside... plus it's i can say bush is a dick, this US war is the worst thing to happen since that scented crayola marker that smells like ass, or Cheney is a douche bag that should've shot himself instead of his friend in the face....n get away with it... i mean it's free speech, free thought, free minds getting together in one little blog room and speaking there feelings.. so honestly join in and dispute the thoughts like a mature person would... not like the 5yr old who gets there barbie taken away for saying no to mommy... by the way Death Penalty rules in the sense of justice. Plenty of people are out there killing, raping, molesting and doing all sorts of immoral wrongful things; if that happens to someone real close to get that urge, that gut feeling, that darkness in the pit of your soul waiting to jump out and strangle the prick or prickette that caused this harm... and you can't say you dont feel that way.. people even feel that way against God when there parents or close relatives and even friends get taken away in an instant... So please "MI" use that brain we can all tell you have and comprehend whats being said here... were not saying we are GODS or the Smartest people in the world but most definitely we have the heart, soul, and mind that GOD gave us to voice our opinion even in this little insignificant way....
I know VP i know that guy if you want to know who the HELL that is check out the
well, just an apology miss 'MI'
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