Thursday, September 20, 2007

This is Major

M: In life we try to impress people (at least those who you think need that impression)... by doing things that exceed that of the normal person.For example. in a meeting instead of taking your clients to a very prestigious restaurant you take'em to a mom n pops diner. even though that depends on the client (unless they're total snobs) they'll appreciate the humbleness of the atmosphere and feel more comfortable. or a better example when taking out a very good looking girl. Instead of using your man power to show how many people you can lift at the same time on your shoulder or show her that your car has exaggerated sized wheels that cost more than the down payment on your home, and a sound system that only belongs in movie theaters and homes. She would rather enjoy the little things you do for her: pull out a chair for her before you sit down, let her order before you do, open doors for the lady, with that also open your door then kinda sprint to the other side of the car before she opens hers (you'll be tired as hell as i would be but, it wins brownie points) or when shes at work and you bring some of her favorite drink without you tellin' her a fruit drink per say. its those little extra steps that make whatever your doing a little bit better for that person. Some don't see it at first but when they do its a GREAT amount of cool points with that parent, girlfriend, boyfriend,"life partner",boss, and best friend. between dudes its the gayest thing ever. girls would say differently. guys would just charlie horse ya and tell you to snap out of it.

C: Little things, little things... its funny how sometimes the smallest, teeniest little thing can mean the whole world sometimes. Like when someone waves you in front of them in traffic or if you drop something on the floor and some random stranger picks it up for you. It's always these iddy bitty tokens that can just as easily warm your heart as send you into a rabid frenzy. I dare one person who reads this to tell me that it doesn't just plain piss you off when you are driving behind someone who is talking to the person in the car next to them and they are both driving 20 miles per hour. Or how about when you are in the movies and the person behind you insists on commenting on everything that happens in the movie, like you need the entire film narrated to you or something. And what about when you wake up in the morning and stumble into the bathroom half asleep only to discover that your lovely family has used all the toothpaste, you still squeeze the living hell out of that tube though don't you? I have even gone so far as to cut that tube open and scrape the toothpaste out with my brush. Good Morning Sunshine. How about when you're walking into a store from your car and you step in gum or when you're having dinner at a restaurant and you spill food all over yourself? That sucks but there is always the flip side, the good stuff. How much do you love it when you are able to ride on that last quarter tank till Friday or when you find an amazing pair of shoes on a crazy sale in only your size, as if the shoe gods put them in front of your face so that only you could see them. Or what about when that guy at Starbucks slides you a muffin on the d/l or when you manage to find your friend or family member the perfect gift for their birthday. When you are so sure you ate the last chip in the bag but you reach in anyway and there is one more!! That one is always the best chip in the bag isn't it? You know it is guy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about when you didn't have time to go to lunch and your co-worker noticed and brings you something to eat.. or when a friend you haven't spoken to in a while calls.. little things (like me) are the best!


September 21, 2007 at 6:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess everyones pissed from the last blog.....

September 24, 2007 at 8:41 AM  

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