No Moni para Crisma'
M: Throughout history the bestest time of the year is always Christmas or to be Politically correct "THE HOLIDAYS". But, whatever your beliefs are or whatever takes your fancy around this time there's BOUND to be a gift giving exchange of some sort. Whether its Hanukkah the mother of all gift giving whatever the other ones do also......... Nonetheless thanx to toady's' GREEDY ASS MO' FO'S striving for that goal that is MORE Money. things get a little bit more expensive. Can't blame anyone for tryin' to hustle..... we all do it. some do it for the hell of payin' for stupid shit they couldn't afford yet still got it...(why am i under debt? lol) or to pay for the many expensive delights that i as a smooth, Cool,suave,Hott looking individual cannot afford for now. then there's people that do it for the daily give their children the better life ....that little extra jump in their lives.this year I've done the good thing to give out something more natural. like that of brownies for example. I know that not everyone is going through tight situations and well I personally think that Christmas has become that of a huge ass commercial whore-sale which it sucks that the Holiday spirit has been Sucker punched in the face and robbed for all its worth. the constrained and zombified Consumer.... heading towards the ever incandescent light of DISCOUNT PRICING AND RETAIL RED RIBBON SPECIALS like a fly to a bug zapper..........happy holidays......
C: Between the constantly rising gas prices and the getting laid off this year I am finding it increasingly hard to keep the pace when it comes to the impending holidays. It seems like the less money I have the faster the days pass and the closer and closer I get to a day when hands will reach out to me from all directions in hopes that a present lands in them that will not only be satisfying but a measure of what I think they are worth. Its funny how people associate how much money you spend on them during the holidays to how highly you regard them as active participants in your life. What does one really have to do with the other? And have you seen the look in peoples eyes when the present you give them isn't quite as extravagant as the one they gave you? Brother, if looks could kill. Anyway, I know that I'm partially saying this because I'm so tight for cash this year but I really do appreciate it when the gifts I receive have a meaning, or are just plain thoughtful. Don't get me wrong I welcome expensive gifts with wide open arms.. who am I to turn away a necklace, or better yet a hot pair of shoes. What I'm saying is that I would equally be elated by something less fancy. Its really the thought that counts. Money doesn't mean that the present has anything attached to it, like the memory of a fun day you spent with friends, or a late night dinner with someone special. It just seems sometimes that people forget to focus on the fact that the holidays bring families together, even if its just for that one night out of the year, and that that is the real gift. So I hope you all have beautiful holidays with your loved ones. Be safe, Laugh hard, and Love Always.
C: Between the constantly rising gas prices and the getting laid off this year I am finding it increasingly hard to keep the pace when it comes to the impending holidays. It seems like the less money I have the faster the days pass and the closer and closer I get to a day when hands will reach out to me from all directions in hopes that a present lands in them that will not only be satisfying but a measure of what I think they are worth. Its funny how people associate how much money you spend on them during the holidays to how highly you regard them as active participants in your life. What does one really have to do with the other? And have you seen the look in peoples eyes when the present you give them isn't quite as extravagant as the one they gave you? Brother, if looks could kill. Anyway, I know that I'm partially saying this because I'm so tight for cash this year but I really do appreciate it when the gifts I receive have a meaning, or are just plain thoughtful. Don't get me wrong I welcome expensive gifts with wide open arms.. who am I to turn away a necklace, or better yet a hot pair of shoes. What I'm saying is that I would equally be elated by something less fancy. Its really the thought that counts. Money doesn't mean that the present has anything attached to it, like the memory of a fun day you spent with friends, or a late night dinner with someone special. It just seems sometimes that people forget to focus on the fact that the holidays bring families together, even if its just for that one night out of the year, and that that is the real gift. So I hope you all have beautiful holidays with your loved ones. Be safe, Laugh hard, and Love Always.
since i started working, i've tried to keep myself on a budget every year durring christmas, but last year i said "to hell with it! everyone is gona get things they will love!" and my bank account was negative.. by about a grand.. yea, everybody seemed to like their gifts but i ended up working on my account for MONTHS after christmas to get back out of the negatives :o( so this year, i am back on my budget! gift cards for everyone! lmao! j/k... i got SOME things that i know some people close to me wanted.. but for everything else.. i will spend what i can and hope i did good.
it seems like christmas has become more like a competition.. i found out this person is getting something for me, now i have to re-do my budget and include this person.. or this person is getting me something that cost $x.. now i have to get something of equal cost! this holiday is supposed to be about people you love spending time together.. and it used to be that if you didn't get a gift.. it was cool, you didn't care cause you gave someone something so awesome that the look on their face was gift enough. not anymore.. this holiday has gone to hell.. but that's what happens with good things.. they get screwed up. so i will continue to do my best with my little budget and hopefully, it's enough. if not.. eff it!
I started my shopping this year in effing November. And somehow I still managed to be really low on cash during this time.
The ones I wanted to buy something for, I did. Whether they get me something or not it doesn't matter to me. I know how high prices are and I know that not everyone has the money to get everybody something.
The point of giving a gift isn't to get one in return, but unfortunately a lot of people don't feel that way. They get hot and bothered if they buy you something and you didn't get them anything.
Oh well. If I felt like it, I got you something. If not, I'm sorry, but I didn't have the money. :]
either way i think regardless of this pathetic little blog theres MORE "doorways" towards filling the minds of these kids. Video games,Films,books,and last but not least the INTERNET.The human mind in its basic instinct is capable of imagining,doing such horrible actions towards a fellow we do have BORING lives so then we must come up with topics that tip the block off the reader....yosh!!!!! it worked....
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